I am an academic at Loughborough Business School and a Fellow in Management Studies and member of the Governing Body of St Catherine’s College in the University of Oxford.  My research combines strategic management and management science.

I have a DPhil (PhD) in Management from the University of Oxford, was an undergraduate in Physics (BSc ARCS) at Imperial College London, am a Chartered Account (FCA) and a Chartered Physicist (CPhys CSci)

Please contact me via email at d.a.robertson@lboro.ac.uk or duncan.robertson@stcatz.ox.ac.uk or via ResearchGate or LinkedIn.

Dr Duncan Robertson Dr Duncan Robertson
St Catherine’s College Loughborough University
Manor Road School of Business and Economics
Oxford Loughborough
OX1 3UJ LE11 3TU


Dr Duncan A. Robertson MA DPhil (Oxon.) BSc (Lond.) ARCS CSci CPhys MInstP FHEA FCA


Dr Duncan Robertson is a Fellow in Management Studies at St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford where he teaches general management and finals papers in strategic management to the Economics and Management BA students.

Dr Robertson joined the Management Science and Operations Group at Loughborough in 2014.  Prior to that, he held posts at Warwick Business School (as Assistant Professor of Strategic Management), Manchester Business School, UEA London, Sun Yat-sen University in China, as well as holding a visiting post at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and teaching at London Business School.  He is a Fellow and Trustee of St Catherine’s College in the University of Oxford.

Before undertaking his DPhil at Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, he qualified as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG working in the City of London, Australia, and New Zealand, where he specialized in advisory and corporate finance roles within the banking sector.  He originally trained as a physicist at Imperial College London.


Dr Robertson’s research concentrates on the strategic dynamics, modelling the interaction of firms, societies, and individuals.

A principal approach used by Dr Robertson is the use of agent-based models to simulate the behaviours of individual firms, consumers, and the interaction between them.  Dr Robertson’s research uses concepts from complexity science to investigate systems that are difficult to analyse using traditional techniques.  He uses methods and models from other social and natural sciences and applies them to management problems.  He has provided consultancy services for companies such as Unilever.

Another aspect of Dr Robertson’s research is its interdisciplinary nature (linking departments within business schools and between academic departments): he was awarded a £0.25 million grant from EPSRC (with Professor Sandra Chapman of Warwick’s department of Physics (as PI) and Professor Ed Bullmore of Cambridge’s department of Neuroscience).


Dr Robertson is a judge at the Management Consultancies Association Awards.  His research has been recognized by the Strategic Management Society, having been shortlisted several times for the research paper of the year at their annual conference.  Dr Robertson is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management.  He is a Member of the Institute of Physics and a Chartered Physicist.  He was awarded a Fellowship of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in 2011.

Featured Publications

Dr Robertson’s book The Dynamics of Strategy (co-authored with Adrian Caldart, published by Oxford University Press) sets out his work at the interface of strategic management and management sciences.

Robertson, D. A. (2019) ‘Spatial Transmission Models: A Taxonomy and Framework’, Risk Analysis, 39 (1), 225-243

Robertson, D. A. (2019, In Press) Agent-Based Strategizing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Robertson, D. A. (Under Review) ‘When Two Tribes Go To War: Competitive Strategic Search within Endogenously Dynamic Landscapes’

Robertson, D. A. (2017) Agent-Based Modelling and Behavioral Operational Research

Collet, F., Robertson, D. A., and Lup, D. (2014) ‘When Does Brokerage Matter?  Citation Impact of Research Teams in an Emerging Academic Field’, Strategic Organization, 12(3), 157-179

Robertson, D. A. and Caldart, A. A. (2009) The Dynamics of Strategy: Mastering Strategic Landscapes of the Firm, Oxford: Oxford University Press