Data Sources for COVID-19 in England – Letter from PHE to Local Authorities

I have received a copy of the following letter from Public Health England to Local Authorities setting out the data sources available to local authories and the public. The letter is dated 9 July 2020 and I have redacted certain information. This should be useful for people wishing to understand what data is (and was) …

Parkrun Freedom of Information Act Release: Public Policy Gone Bad

Parkrun is an organization that coordinates a series of 5km runs for the public.  Crucially, there is no charge for participating in these runs, and this has contributed to over 1 million people registering themselves as runners.  It does good, doesn’t take a profit, and generally is regarded as a Good Thing. Generally, the locations at …

Has Anyone Seen our Byelaws?

            Unfortunately, our Byelaws have been lost.  The Government can’t find them.  They are not even on display: “But the plans were on display . . .” “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.” “That’s the display department.” “With a torch.” “Ah, well …

Into the Depths of the Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act is a thing of beauty.  So much so that Tony Blair described the prime minister that introduced the Act as an ‘idiot, a ‘naive, foolish, irresponsible nincompoop’. Government departments have now taken it upon themselves to publish a list of requests (although not necessarily refused requests – more of that …